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Soynut Butter – Kiddie Lunch Box Style…

M’s been feeling a bit under the weather; nothing more heartbreaking than a little kid who’s under the weather.

They are so confused and just need comforting all the time.

Being sick also throws off M’s appetite so I sent her to school with an easy to eat lunch.


Parmesan Green Beans & Roasted Butternut Squash (left over from dinner the night before)

Soynut Butter & Jam Sammie…

Newman’s Organic Alphabet Crackers…

And Refreshing Grapes…

When I picked her up from school, I checked her lunch and saw she ate all her veggies, all her alphabet crackers, and all the grapes. Her sandwich didn’t even look like it had been breathed on.

But she was hungry after school so she ate it for her afternoon snack.

This is my first time ever buying/tasting/eating soynut butter. It had a little bit of an awkward texture at first, but M’s school is “nut free”.

Mr. Weekly Bite understands the rules and the safety concerns of M’s school, but still just wants his daughter to eat good ol’ PB&J!

He kids me all the time about what M eats for lunch. As he likes to say, “All I can ever remember getting was a PB&J sandwich on white bread, a piece of fruit, maybe some Cheez-It’s, and 25 cents for milk…..whole milk…….not soy or rice or organic milk from a grass fed, free range, non-denominational cow!” And it all came in either a Metal lunch box…..or a brown paper bag.

Of course now he eats much healthier, but every now and then I think he still feels the need to rebel and go “old school” with his eating. (Remember when he came home with “Steak-Umms”)

What did you used to get as your school lunch?

Any favorite foods that brings you back to your childhood, but by today’s standard may not be “socially accepted or diet friendly”?

17 Responses

  1. The Candid RD said on October 19, 2010 at 8:57 am

    Aww, I can completely understand your husband being sad that she can’t bring real PB to school 🙁 Back when I was a kid it was never an issue! Although I must say I really like Soynut butter (but mostly when it’s mixed with real PB!). What about almond butter? Or sunflower butter? The soynut butter sometimes has a strange smell, which may turn kids off.

    You pack the best lunches!!!

  2. Sarena (The Non Dairy Queen) said on October 19, 2010 at 8:58 am

    We had to eat at school when I was a kid. It was a treat if I was allowed to bring my lunch. I hated school lunches. I used to have horrible stomach problems in school too. I did take my lunch when I was in high school and I loved my pasta salads. Now, my kids do what they want to do. If they want to take it, they take it and if they want school lunch I let them do that too. I feel like they will eat better and stay fueled if they get the choice. I hope M feels better soon!

  3. Mo@MommyRD said on October 19, 2010 at 9:08 am

    I always had PB&J, a fruit, and a Twinkie!
    I’ve never had soynut butter.

  4. Nicole, RD said on October 19, 2010 at 9:09 am

    I know my lunches never looked like that! Gorgeous! M is very lucky 🙂 I love that she loves her veggies, too…that’s wonderful! The only thing I remember about school lunches was my best friend always wanting to trade me her regular-sized Twix for either my pickles or carrots. Her family wasn’t big on F&V’s and she loved them! And, of course, baby carrots were no match for that Twix in my eyes!

  5. Laura Fredlund said on October 19, 2010 at 9:10 am

    awww, I remember Little Debbies cosmic brownies in my lunch- they were a nice surprise. Yet again I grew up on a lot of ramen noodles, and hamburger helper. lol
    I eat much healthier now, and so do my kids

  6. Tracey @ I'm Not Superhuman said on October 19, 2010 at 9:28 am

    Honestly, I don’t know what I’d eat 80 percent of the time if my work was nut-free. PB&J is so easy and fast to make the night before. And that’s what I ate at school all the time, too.

    Those Parmesan green beans look great!

  7. Jessica @ How Sweet said on October 19, 2010 at 9:29 am

    I love her little lunches. I still can’t believe her school is nut free, but I guess that needs to be done these days!

  8. payday loans online said on October 19, 2010 at 9:34 am

    Your dressing is superb! I went up there a few weeks litearlly just add the apple cider vinegar, sugar, some spices to vegetables and even never boil my project for pickling. I blog about it went well

  9. Samantha Angela @ Bikini Birthday said on October 19, 2010 at 10:21 am

    I usually got a sandwich, a fruit, and a couple of cookies or a granola bar.
    I would cry if the sandwich was egg salad.

  10. Lindsay @ The Ketchup Diaries said on October 19, 2010 at 11:13 am

    I just don’t know where all of these peanut allergies came from! I used to eat “old school” too. Ham & cheese with a piece of fruit, some chips and maybe a cookie or two. And I lived to tell about it 🙂 I think we need to find a balance between raising healthy kids and raising kids that are afraid to eat anything. I am by NO MEANS indicating that you are doing this with M or feeding her “weird” things (at all!!), but I can see Tim’s point…if that makes sense.

  11. Lauren at KeepItSweet said on October 19, 2010 at 12:19 pm

    i wish i had lunches packed as cute as that:-)

  12. emily (a nutritionist eats) said on October 19, 2010 at 2:03 pm

    We had a really plain sandwich like cheese on bread, or pb & jelly, apple and our one treat: Little Debbie!

  13. Jaime said on October 19, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    How cute! I think I lived off PB&J’s my whole school life, well not true, I still do! 😉

  14. megan @ whatmegansmaking said on October 19, 2010 at 11:15 pm

    That is such a cute lunch! my lunches never looked like that. The ones I pack now dont’ look like that either 🙂

    I never used to like pb&j in my lunch – I always felt like it got soggy by lunchtime.

  15. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) said on October 20, 2010 at 1:11 am

    id be lying if i said as a kid the entire hostess line was awesome: twinkies, ho-ho’s, ding dongs, little debbie oatmeal cream pies, hostess cherry pies, yeah probably wont fit the bill in today’s era 🙂

  16. Jennifer said on October 20, 2010 at 8:21 am

    I’ve heard good things about sunflower butter…maybe you could try that?

  17. Laurel said on October 20, 2010 at 12:55 pm

    My daughter doesn’t even notice the difference when we use sunflower butter…and I can find it at every grocery store chain!