Five Creative Snacks For Kid’s

As parents, we all know how busy our days can get, and when it comes to kiddie snacks it’s easy to reach for quick and convenient options. Both of my girls love being in the kitchen and helping me with everything from cooking meals to playing with bowls and spoons. Once or twice per week I like to set time aside to make a special treat or snack with them. Here are five fun snacks that your kid’s will love putting together.
Flower Pot Treat with Chocolate Avocado Pudding
I don’t have kids yet but you always have the best snack ideas! I remember loving those dirt cups when I was little but I don’t think avocado chocolate pudding had been invented yet – hah!
Love these ideas! I’m still kind of scared of the avocado pudding though. The boys both love avocado, but I wonder if they will call me out on this one? I want to try it, but I’m so scared they will hate it and honestly, I’m not a fan of avocado at all, so I don’t know that I will be up to eating it if they don’t like it.
My kids passed their use-by date and grew up but I love ideas for when children visit. 🙂
I ran these choices past my granddaughter and she picked the pumpkin muffins. I guess we’ll make those.