Strawberry Banana Ring Popsicles

Aren’t these the cutest things you’ve ever seen?
I spotted these cute ring popsicle holders on Amazon and bought them immediately! They are perfect for M’s little fingers.
With the DC area experiencing temps in the mid 80’s, I knew it was time for popsicle making season to begin.
I started simple with easy strawberry banana popsicles.
In a blender or food processor, combine 1 banana, 5-6 large strawberries, and a splash of orange juice. Blend away until all ingredients are nice and smooth.
Fill your popsicle holders about 2/3’s full. Place tops on holders and freeze for at least 4 hours or overnight.
M was obsessed with these! She’s always loved popsicles, but she was really diggin’ the whole ring thing.
I’ve got all sorts of new popsicles flavors up my sleeve for the summer!
What’s your favorite flavor?
her shirt is so adorable! you should do one with watermelon and lime…yum 🙂
I can’t wait to try popsicles and smoothies with my little guy this spring/summer. First I need to get some molds…
Love the recipe but love the shirt more!
Aww, i love the looks of these! So kid friendly and fun!
Such a cute idea!
Heather – I love the watermelon + lime idea! Sounds delicious 🙂
What a great idea. Your daughter is adorable!
Pineapple! Those are so cute. Even my boys would like those!
OMG! I love these! I am going to have to go find some rings now too!
I think my husband and I would get a kick out of these!
Hm…I think I could go for a strawberry or blueberry yogurt popsicle.
This is a cuteness overload. The pictures are awesome and of course, that shirt is ridiculously cute! I love it.
Trader Joe’s has these popsicle that have 3 different flavors in one pop and they are sooo good! I think they’re a tropical flavor. I love them!
Oh I must get these for my three little girls. They live for popsicles and I’d love for them to be healthier. Share more recipes please!!!
What I like about them is that they are not HUGE! They are the perfect size. Thanks for posting.
Is it okay to admit that it took me a few tries to understand the shirt? I’m the same (slow) way with personalized license plates.
I didnt know you could make those, although I dont have kids I would make these for myself. HA!
We make popsicles all the time – my two favorite are:
1 – coconut milk, pineapple and banana
2 – sauteed apples & cinnamon pureed with plain yogurt and honey (if needed).
I love the ring pops – I may have to get some when we’re in the states this summer!