Peanut Butter & Jelly Popsicles
As you all know, aside from running this little blog, I also work as the Official Dietitian for Produce for Kid’s. I am proud to say I have been a part of this organization for… (Read More)
As you all know, aside from running this little blog, I also work as the Official Dietitian for Produce for Kid’s. I am proud to say I have been a part of this organization for… (Read More)
Chicken legs have always been a secret favorite of mine. When given the choice, I try to opt for the the leaner cuts of the chicken, but the legs just taste so much better! Plus…… (Read More)
With temperatures creeping up to warmer weather my family and I have been craving ice cold melon. One of my favorite salads to make is this Honey-Lime Melon Salad. The combo of the sweet melon… (Read More)
The New Year is in full swing and the kid’s are headed back to school today. That means dance classes, gymnastics, and other after school activities start back up. I spent the weekend stocking up… (Read More)
I can’t believe it has been almost three years since I posted my original recipe for zucchini fries. Boy has my little blog changed since then. I started making these as a healthy way to… (Read More)
I have received several emails asking what I pack M for lunch. M goes to preschool a few days per week and we have fun putting her lunches together. I am going to start by… (Read More)
Wow, I can’t believe it’s been almost 3 weeks since I last posted. Life has been good, but insanely busy. I feel like I’ve been going non-stop at hyper speed ever since we got back… (Read More)
If you just happen to have unsweetened coconut milk and shredded coconut collecting dust in your kitchen like I did, then this is the perfect smoothie for you or your kiddo. Or, if you just… (Read More)
It’s a good thing my kid loves food just as much as her shoes… Because she really loves her shoes… I mean like, really… If I let her sleep in her shoes she would. These… (Read More)
We were having your standard Sunday morning. Coffee was consumed, the newspaper was read, cartoons were watched, and then it was time to get ready for for the day. I got dressed, walked into my… (Read More)