My Learning Curve Part ii
I continue to learn more and more each day about this whole mommy thing. Most days are filled with pure joy, while others, I feel like a defeated dodgeball player. Here are some of the… (Read More)
I continue to learn more and more each day about this whole mommy thing. Most days are filled with pure joy, while others, I feel like a defeated dodgeball player. Here are some of the… (Read More)
There was a special guest at Casa Weekly Bite over the weekend… My Brother! He flew in from Minneapolis to spend the weekend with us. I love seeing my brother. We can do nothing and… (Read More)
Cuteness doesn’t even began to describe this… Or this… If the cutest bumble bee you’ve ever seen in your entire life happens to knock on your door this Halloween Sunday, here is a list of… (Read More)
You’re going to have to excuse me… I’m still on the I met Ina Garten high. With all the excitement yesterday, I was inspired to cook something new for dinner. Well… new to me…. (Read More)
Yep, I met Ina… We’re BFF’s now. Well, at least I think we’re BFF’s 😉 Yesterday was the release of Ina’s new cookbook. Lucky for me, she was having a book signing today at my… (Read More)
I have a bit of an obsession with rice pudding. This creamy, rich, comforting pudding makes me warm and fuzzy all over. You know, kinda like that feeling you get when you hug a puppy…. (Read More)
Sorry if any dudes are reading this……….. I have this weird habit… You see, there’s this one particular week each month where I get these cravings. You know what I’m talking about… right? I have… (Read More)
Sometimes I like to pretend I’m Ina Garten. I live in a fabulous house in the Hamptons, I walk barefoot to my abundant garden to cut fresh herbs and flowers, I make the most delicious… (Read More)
Remember these? I packed them for M’s lunch the other day. She loved them and ate them all. I use the make these all the time, but for some reason I got sucked into those… (Read More)
Truth: I love taking pictures of people… Truth: I love take pictures food… Truth: I love taking pictures of my cutie patootie husband… Truth: I really love taking pictures of my super cute kid… Truth:… (Read More)