I’ve gotten even more emails asking how I much I exercised and how I handled cravings and weight gain while pregnant. … Being a good mom is a priority and in order to be a good mom, I need to take care of myself.
This Thanksgiving…
Hi there. If you hadn’t heard… my oven broke. Correct that. I broke the oven 🙁 You can read all about it here. So, being without an oven sucks! Especially for me since I’m more… (Read More)
That movie theatre popcorn is like eating 3 burgers and 12 butter pats?!?! So disgusting… I know!!! I’ve always known movie popcorn was not so healthy, but this info was just shocking!! I was watching… (Read More)
You’ll never guess what happened when I made this…. My oven BROKE!!! NOOOOOOOO!!! Do you ever do that thing in the colder months where after you’re done baking you turn the oven off and leave… (Read More)
I’d like you to meet Shiner. Shiner is my 9 1/2 year old Lab/Chow mix. We got Shiner from a dog pound in North Carolina when he was 6 weeks old. The pound said they… (Read More)
Hi there! I have a confession to make… I CAN’T STOP BAKING!! I think it’s the season… or the fact that I just love to bake period. For me, there’s something comforting and soothing about… (Read More)
I’ve never really tasted a healthy mac-n-cheese that I’ve liked… for some reason I felt it was always missing something. After fiddling around with several recipes, I finally found one that tasted just as good… (Read More)
Did you know that the average person consumes an extra 600 calories per day between Thanksgiving and New Year’s?!? Yes my friends… the holiday’s are here! It may sound too soon to be saying that,… (Read More)
The inspiration for this recipe came from the weather, the day, and the occassion. The weather… cool and crisp The day… Sunday The occassion… The 13th annual Halloween Parade How cute it that little pumpkin!!!… (Read More)
Just because there’s a plate full of food doesn’t mean we have to eat every last bite! If we are truly physically hungry and we physically need to eat more food.. then we should eat…. (Read More)